There are a lot of things about high school that I have
forgotten about over the last decade.
However, I do remember in my sophomore year, when the electricity went out in
one class period. The school had
very few windows and the classroom I was in was completely dark and there was
only a light coming in from the emergency lights in the hallway. My teacher told us all to close our
eyes and she started to describe us flowing down a river. She was leading us in a meditation,
something I had never experienced prior to this day. I tend to get anxious
about life and worry about the future and past too much, while I should be focused on the
present. I remember feeling
very peaceful and this was a soothing experience. Part of me was a little upset
when the journey down the river was interrupted. The loud speaker came on
announcing classes were canceled for the rest of the day, which was also great.
Ever since that day I have been interested in meditation and
have tried to do it myself through books.
However, I have never maintained it and practiced it enough to feel the
full benefits. So I came across
this “Life Class” that Oprah is offering free and through her website (
I have often wanted to take a class, but I have not been able to find the time
or money, so I am going to take this opportunity to try something I always
wanted to pursue. It is a 21
day-meditation experience. It is
being lead by Deepak Chopra, an Indian-American author, physician, and
well-known leader in holistic health movement. The 21-day process starts this Monday on November 3rd,
and I plan to log some short thought after each session and after the three-week
process I will share them with you all.
If you are interested in meditation, I invite you to join me.
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